From a blog by a just plain ole regular person (who also just happens to have over 100 links with information about head Scientology android David Miscavige):

Dr. Colin Ross, the next awardee, exposed the role of psychiatry in secret CIA mind control experiments. His investigation amassed 15,000 pages of documents through the Freedom of Information Act and resulted in his acclaimed book, The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists which has sold more than 6,000 copies. He has delivered more than 340 workshops, and appeared as an expert in two documentaries – “Mind Control” on the History Channel, and “Conspiracy Files: CIA Mind Control,” on the Discover Channel.

Now, if it weren’t for the posts that will be following in the coming months, I too could maybe get recognized for telling the truth about MKULTRA. So that doesn’t necessarily mean Ross is working with them.

Except of course, that he IS working with them.

Dr. Baughman, author of The ADHD Fraud and Texas psychiatrist, Colin Ross, author of Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry, addressed those attending the release of “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” documentary, stating that the theory that a “chemical imbalance” in the brain requires antidepressants to “balance” out depression is completely false. It is “not based on blood test or brain scan, or physical findings. It’s based on descriptions of behavior. And that’s what the whole psychiatry system is,” Dr. Ross said. Such misleading advertising has led to $13 billion a year in sales of antidepressants and $27 billion a year for all psychiatric drugs.

This, of course, is concerning the documentary produced by Scientology anti-psychiatry front group, CCHR.

And, if you happen to be a fan of the Scientologist “Freedom Magazine” (and I know I don’t miss an issue), you may have noticed some articles by the good doctor.

Such as this one.

Here’s an interview with Ross in the same magazine.

I don’t have time to do a full post on all of this. But here’s a little background. L. Ron Hubbard has always been anti-psychiatry, primarily because the “tech” offered by Hubbard is all you’ll ever need to get well from mental illness. And oddly enough, this is not the first time that Scientology has been at the forefront of outing “brainwashing” techniques. In fact, one of the first books I think that ever came out about the use of hypnosis, drugs and other mind control techniques was written by Hubbard. It’s an odd little tome because it did not bear his name and purported to be secret “communist” indoctrination techniques. However, at least one version was created by Hubbard as it has many of his odd neologisms and also it turns out that the USSR was really very concerned about stopping the power of Scientology. Go RON! Smash the REDS!


Anyway, it’s possible Hubbard cribbed it from an equally delightful communist turned Nazi named Kenneth Goff.

Or it’s possible that they both got a copy from the CIA or someplace and tweaked it as they saw fit. Later, when we have a long, critical look at Scientology and the surprisingly (to me anyway) important role they played in the story line we’ve been pursuing, you’ll see examples where Hubbard talks about the same techniques as being carried out by the CIA. It wasn’t long before they got OFF the CIA and onto the IRS as the true oppressors LRH, but I had been wondering how Hubbard knew so much about these techniques, recounting detailed stories from WW2.

So, do you find it odd that Hubbard would outline techniques that he would eventually use on his own followers (including his own son)?

And do you see why it’s somewhat alarming that a modern day advocate for victims of MKULTRA would be associated with a mind control cult? For make no mistake, that is exactly what Scientology is, even if they did take over the “Cult Awareness Network” to get all Fawn Hall on the CAN’s Scientology files.

At least now we understand that torturous logic in the intro to Bluebird. Here, I’ll summarize:

CIA good. Psychiatrists bad.

In fact, I feel pretty stupid I didn’t pick up on this before. And yes, this likely means that some modern MKULTRA survivors are being used as tools of Scientology. Those that aren’t being used as tools of rightwing zealots. Seriously, there needs to be some kind of standards committee on MKULTRA rescue workers. Oh, and let’s put as rule number one that the rescuer may not fuck the rescuee. Cough…Springmeier…cough, cough….Mark Phillips…cough, cough…Ted Gunderson (ewwww! I hope that one isn’t true.)

Oh, it gets worse, I’m afraid. Our good doctor, whose innocent typo “undersatand” got me waxing paranoiac, mocked your humble blogger…MOCKED HIM, I say…for daring to read anything “meaningul” in his missive. Sayeth Sir Colin:

I have to say, I’ve never received so much attention for a typo. I see that it would be difficult to convince you it was a meaningless error – neither deliberate nor deeply unconscious. At any rate, it has nothing to do with the code and I reiterate that the message is meaningul (see…TYPO!!!) and decipherable.
I made three typos in the present message but I think I caught all of them this time. (Woops, guess not. We’ll take up a collection to get you an email program that has a spell check feature, like, for example, ALL OF THEM DO.) If I was going to make a secret cipher typo I wouldn’t make it as lame as writing ’satan,’ I assure you.

Dr R
P.S. By the way, how would you react if someone speculated that the 366 (my birthday is March, 1966, for those who actually care) in your address is code for 666, since 3 is half of 6, and possibly a signature for a new branch of satanism? There would be no way to refute such a speculation.

Snaaap! Ross can bring the smack, can’t he? Funny that he mentioned 666, though. Because Hubbard fancied himself the heir apparent to Aleister Crowley, who himself termed himself “the Beast” and took the number 666 as his own. In fact, he received the “Book of the Law” as a result of some “mystical experiences” involving an Egyptian exhibit in a museum. Specifically, it was exhibit number 666.


So now we have Ross linked to all this madness. And by a strange little coincidence I was preparing (once I finally get the last Strieber entry done which provides a very nice segue indeed) to look at SRI which was positively swarming with Scientologists during the time they were remote viewing each others’ wives in the shower (come on, you KNOW they had to have done that….) and spelling out their prescription for a New Age.

By the way, I have no evidence that Ross is actually a Scientologist. There is a general “anti-psychiatry” movement that is not associated with the CoS. One of its best known proponents, for example, is Peter Breggin. Oh, wait, turns out he USED to be a Scientologist way back in the seventies, but he parted ways over their “tactics.” He would much later, however, deliver a rousing defense of that fine psychiatric expert, Tom Cruise. Cruise, as you may know, has been appointed the new Jesus Christ of Scientology. And check the link…that was NOT a joke.

Well, anyway, there are surely lots of people in that anti-psychiatry movement who don’t have ties to Scientology. Yep. Sure must be.

Oh, and just to kid the Scientologists a little more, ’cause I’m such a kidder, here’s a handy list of articles in defense of Scientology written by Alexander Cockburn of Counterpunch, who hosts our good friends the “Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity” such as Ray McGovern. It’s just one big happy, fucking family isn’t it?

Oh, and look what their headline is this very day:

Exclusive to CounterPunch Newsletter Subscribers!


* Those Celebrating “Movers” and Art Student Spies
* Who were the Israelis living next to Mohammed Atta?
* What was in that Moving Van on the New Jersey shore?
* Was the Mossad Tracking the 9/11 Hijackers in the US?
* How did two hijackers end up on the Watch List weeks before 9/11?

Wow, WHAT an exclusive! Hey but didn’t Fox News already break this story?….

Like in December of 2001?

Well, anyway, if FOX and Counterpunch both have the story, it must be true.

For one thing, Rupert Murdoch is a ZIONIST so if he lets them talk about Israeli spies secretly running the U.S., it could not possibly be disinformation. Nope. Not on Fox. Nope. Not them. Nope.

Well, I know I’m exhausted after that little rant. Go now and rest a bit, maybe read a few pages of the “Changing Images of Man” and get ready for a wild ride.